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The Yummy Part. Eating for Life.

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

If you've read my posts in "the cancer journey' then it's probably quite clear why I'm looking to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle... beginning with my diet. I committed to this approach the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. And you know what, I'm so happy I did. I feel great. I look great. My skin is clear. My hair is shiny. I'm quite pleased with the outcome actually.

In fact, I feel so strongly about the benefits of this approach that I started the Save 1 Challenge to help get the word out. Haven't heard about it?

Are you ready to start? Great. There's a plan ready and waiting for you and it wasn't created by some smart-ass suburban mom (yeah, that's me). It was created by a bunch of really smart people who've spent the last 40 years researching cancer prevention.

So here we go. Let the adventure begin. I've accepted the challenge and I'll keep you posted on how it's going along the way. Oh, and don't think doing this is super easy for me, it's not. But, I know that even though I'm not there yet, I'm getting closer every day.

Have you been diagnosed with cancer? Or any other disease for that matter?

Here's the deal. I'm not a doctor. I'm just a cancer survivor who did her own research. When I was diagnosed, I did EXACTLY what the doctors told me to do. This wasn't an alternative approach, it was a complimentary approach to science-based medicine. So, please don't mistake this for what it isn't, and do what your doctor says. I did.

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